Execution time: from 2 hours
Make an order
Documents for a legal entity representative: Legal entity documents (articles of association, extract), Director’s (company authorized representative’s) passport and TIN and documents confirming the director’s authority (order of the director’s appointment, minutes of election of the director), notarized power of attorney, if the authorized person is acting., Seal, Legal entity’s decision to conclude a tenancy agreement (minutes of general meeting)
Required documents: Passport, TIN of the vehicle owner, Proof of ownership of the vehicle (vehicle registration certificate), Consent of a vehicle owner’s spouse, in case the owner was married when purchasing the vehicle, as well as passport, TIN, marriage certificate or a notarized permit application, executed before
Please note:

When drawing up a rental agreement of a car, which is in a bank credit, the consent of the bank that issued the loan is required.

You want to lease out your car and wonder, how to formalize an agreement, what provisions to include and how to protect your rights and your property?

It should be mentioned that according to the requirements of the current legislation a vehicle rental (lease) agreement is subject to obligatory notarization.

Please note that such agreement is considered as concluded from the moment of its notarization.

Surely, you may conclude a car rental agreement with another person in simple written form, but in fact such agreement has no legal effect.

Getting an agreement notarized, you may no longer worry about legitimacy of the deed, whether it is properly formalized, whereas a notary is personally responsible for his/her notarial actions. A notarized car rental agreement will include all necessary terms and conditions and serve as a reliable instrument for protection of your rights, in case of violation thereof.

It happens sometimes that a person driving your car is involved in a car accident or violates traffic rules. In such case, a car rental agreement is intended to confirm that you were not driving this car and secures you from unintended effects.

No additional actions are required on your part for conclusion of such agreement.


How to execute the car rental agreement?

The agreement should be drawn up in writing, and the need and method of its notarization depends on the scheme of interaction between the parties – legal entities and individuals.

Do I need to authenticate the car rental agreement?

According to the rules, the car rental agreement should be drawn up in writing. And the need for its notarization and the way it would be notarized depends not only on the desire of the parties, but also on the scheme of interaction between them: legal entity-legal entity, individual-legal entity, etc.





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