Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Documents for a legal entity representative: Protocol and order, (or other credentials of a signatory), Articles of association, extract and seal, Passport and TIN of a signatory
Please note:

An attorney (the one to whom the power of attorney is drawn up) does not have to be present! Only his data is required: full name, registration address, TIN, date of birth, passport details (if necessary).

Besides, it is necessary to indicate the exact address of a property to be sold in the text of the power of attorney.

The sale of property is a crucial moment, requiring the direct participation of the owner. If for some reason you cannot be present during the legal transaction, the law of Ukraine provides for the possibility of drawing up a Power of Attorney to sell an apartment, a house, a land plot, or a vehicle. In this case, the owner of the property entrusts the sale of the property to another person.

Where to draw up a Power of Attorney with a right to sell an apartment?

According to the law, this document is prepared by a notary public. The notary acts under the legislation of Ukraine, carrying out the procedure under the rules. For a Power of Attorney to be issued, the owner of a property and an agent should be present.

Both public and private notaries can issue a power of attorney. In order to avoid ambiguous interpretation, the document should indicate the validity period of the Power of Attorney. A notary in Kiev will ensure that the procedure is carried out within the limits of legislation. Due to this, you will be able to dispose of property in the interests of the principal.


Power of Attorney to sell an apartment can be issued to both an individual and a legal entity. Most often, the document is prepared on behalf of those relatives or other people, whom the person trusts. This is important, because the owner transfers his/her rights. Following the purchase and sale transaction, an agent can change the amount, receive money from the sale, and draw up other documents.

Transactions are prepared and accompanied by realtors or real estate agencies, often the owners entrust them selling their apartments on their behalf. In this case, sometimes a Power of Attorney is issued for a legal entity. Real estate transactions are considered risky procedures, so the owners have to be confident in the professionalism and competence of the person to whom the Power of Attorney is going to be issued. Responsibility for the choice of an agent lies entirely with the owner of the property.

What documents are necessary to draw up a Power of Attorney?

There is information about an agent in the agreement of sale and purchase of an apartment by Power of Attorney. In the document, full name, address of residence, passport details and TIN shall be indicated. Based on this, to draw up a Power of Attorney at a notary public, you should present:

  1. Passport, TIN, birth certificate, if the rights are transferred from minor owners;
  2. other documents requested by a notary.

Before drawing up a Power of Attorney, it is important to clearly determine what powers are transferred to another person.


What documents are required for a Power of Attorney to sell an apartment?

To draw up a Power of Attorney to sell an apartment, it is necessary to present the originals of the passport, TIN of the real estate owner, the apartment title, as well as the agent’s personal data.

How can I revoke the Power of Attorney to sell an apartment?

For this, you have to turn a notary with a statement, and then the changes will be entered in the electronic register. The legislation of Ukraine provides for the opportunity to turn to any notary, if there is no way to turn to the notary who executed the Power of Attorney. You can cancel the power of attorney to sell the real estate before the end of the term of the document.

What is the Power of Attorney to sell an apartment necessary for?

The Power of Attorney to sell an apartment entitles the agent to conclude real estate purchase and sale transactions on behalf of the principal. That’s why, when drawing up the Power of Attorney, the scope of powers granted to the agent is clearly defined. We recommend having as an agent a person you trust. This person should act on your behalf.





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