Execution time: from 1 hour
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Please note:

A notary in the city of Kyiv can register a natural person-entrepreneur only with Kyiv residence permit.

Usually after the registration of a natural person-entrepreneur (we often say “private entrepreneur”) the residential address of a natural person, his/her last name or type of activity (KVED code) may change.

Any amendments as regard to the natural person-entrepreneur have to be indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Natural Persons-Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations.

It should be mentioned that, according to the legislation of Ukraine in force, notaries have been allowed to register natural persons-entrepreneurs and introduction of amendments regarding natural persons-entrepreneurs since January 01, 2016.  Besides, the notaries register the amendments irrespective of the place of residence of the natural person (i.e. if the natural person is registered in Dnipro, any amendments may be registered by the notary of Kyiv).

Documents to be submitted to the notary for registration of amendments as regard to the natural person-entrepreneur:
  1. Filled-in registration card for registration of amendments for the natural person-entrepreneur (only filled-in sheets of the card shall be submitted); 
  2. Receipt on paying the administrative duty for amendments;
  3. Copy of the certificate on amendments of taxpayer number (formerly known as individual taxpayer number) if this being the case;
  4. If any amendments are introduced by the representative of entrepreneur, the documents confirming the powers of such representative (power of attorney or its notarial copy), his/her passport and individual taxpayer number.

All documents shall be drawn up in Ukrainian.

After providing all the above documents and their checking by a notary, the amendments are registered by including the respective information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Natural Persons-Entrepreneurs and Public Organisations.

Now such amendments are registered.


What documents do I need to get registered as a private entrepreneur?

To register as a private (individual) entrepreneur, you need to provide your passport and TIN. You will also need to provide a list of KVED activities (classifier of economic activities) that you plan to be engaged in.

Where can I get registered as a private entrepreneur?

Today you can get registered as a private (individual) entrepreneur at the Administration Service Centre, accredited objects of state registration and at a notary’s office.





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