Execution time: from 30 minutes
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Documents for an individual: Parent’s passport, Parent’s TIN , Child’s/children’s birth certificate(s)
Please note:

The following data are required: a person with whom a child goes abroad (full name and date of birth) and a country where a child goes.

Departure to the other country for permanent residence is an important and measured step resulting in significant changes in your life. If you relocate to another country together with your child, when the mother or father of the child is a citizen of other country, and your child will change the citizenship obtained at birth, the second parent must give his/her consent for such change of permanent place of residence.

Such consent is drawn up in the form of statement presented on the special notarial letterhead with secured hologram and QR code and signed by the parent giving such consent. Please note that the presence of a child or the other parent when drawing up such statement is not obligatory.

The statement reflects the information on the specific country where the child is relocating for the permanent residence, that you give your consent for the child’s departure abroad and obtaining the citizenship of other country.

We would like to point out that the notary shall neither be liable for your submission of inaccurate or incorrect information and its statement in the text nor certifies the facts indicated in the statement text, but certify that the signature on the statement is made by you personally.


What documents are required for a child’s leave abroad?

If a child travels abroad for permanent residence with one of the parents, then you should obtain a travel permit from another one. It is drawn up by a notary as a consent. The document is drawn up on behalf of the second parent, indicating that he/she agrees to change the child's permanent place of residence.

How can I execute the Parent’s consent to a child’s leave for permanent residence abroad?

The Parent’s consent to a child’s leave abroad is drawn up by a notary in Kyiv or at the place of residence. The parent who gives permission to change the place of residence of the children must sign the appropriate statement. The document indicates the country where the child travels, and the permission to leave and change citizenship is given.





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Maidan Nezalezhnosti Underground Station

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