Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN, Marriage certificate
Please note:

The following data should be provided:

  • Full name of the spouse on whom the real estate is or will be registered, his date of birth, TIN
  • Address of the property for the sale/purchase of which the permission is given

Spouse’s consent to selling / purchasing real estate

Maybe you are willing to sell any property purchased during the marriage? In such case, obtaining your spouse’s consent to selling/purchasing real estate is an obligatory procedure.

We would like to emphasize that such consent is required both for selling and for purchasing the realty, whereas you spend money acquired during the marriage and considered to be joint property of spouses.

The spouse is required to give his/her consent when selling (purchasing) movable or immovable property, e.g. the apartment, house, land plot, vehicle, etc.

Please note that if you are divorced at the moment, and the property has been purchased during the marriage, you will still need your ex-spouse’s consent for selling.

If you inherited the property or it was a gift, in such a case no spouse’s consent is required for property alienation, whereas it is your own private property.

The spouse’s consent is executed as a respective statement. The statement shall include:

  1. Full name of the spouse for whom the consent for selling (purchasing) is granted;
  2. Property to be purchased (sold);
  3. Type of agreement;
  4. Details of the marriage certificate.

Do I need my spouse's consent for buying a real estate?

The consent of the spouse is required both when selling and buying a real estate, in the case when the real estate is or has been purchased during the marriage.

How long is the spouse's consent for the sale of real estate valid?

On the one hand, there are no legislative restrictions on the validity period of consent for the sale of real estate, however on the other hand, in actual practice, the notary recommends drawing up a consent for each transaction individually and as far as timing is concerned – as close to the date of the transaction as possible. This protects the spouses’ interests.

How to consummate a spouse's consent for the sale of real estate?

The consent is drawn up at the notary, he/she certifies the authenticity of the data and signatures. The spouse draws up a statement in which he/she consents to the sale of the property. Notarization makes the consent valid.





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