Execution time: from 30 minutes
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Documents for an individual: Parent’s passport, Parent’s TIN , Child’s/children’s birth certificate(s)
Please note:

The following data are required: a person with whom a child goes abroad (full name and date of birth), travel duration, purpose of travel, destination (country).


Under Ukrainian law, a minor child can travel abroad accompanied by parents or other persons who have reached the age of 18. There is a restriction that prevents the smuggling of children. A minor can only travel with parents unless there are additional permissions.

Moreover, if only one parent goes on vacation or with another purpose with his/her daughter or son, he/she needs a consent to take a child abroad from the second spouse. This procedure is also relevant for relatives of the child, teachers, trainers, representatives of travel agencies and other accompanying persons.

Parents' consent to take a child abroad: how to draw up?

Registration of an application should take place at the notary public’s office. The notary checks the documents, confirms the validity of the document being prepared. If the consent is given by 2 parents, it is possible to draw up one application from 2 persons. Sometimes, 2 documents are possible from a mother and a father. Such a procedure is acceptable if both parents are only able to give their consents independently.

For a notarized application for going abroad the following data are required:

  1. Travel destination, or the route, if visit to several states is planned;
  2. Duration of travel abroad;
  3. Full name and other data of a person, with whom a child goes abroad.


The application is drawn up at a public or private notary. According to the law, you are not limited in your choice, the work of each specialist is equivalent.

An application may be required not only at the border, but when applying for a visa. Most often, consulates do not return certificates and other documents submitted for obtaining a visa. So, you should write an application in 2 copies right away so that one consent copy remains with the parent or accompanying person.


For what period is the Application for a child to travel abroad applied?

The validity period of an Application for a child to travel abroad is limited to the dates of a specific trip. One document is drawn up for one trip. The permit specifies the countries of destination and dates.

Where can I execute the parents’ Application for a child to travel abroad?

The application is drawn up and certified by a notary in Kyiv. Provide original documents: passports, TIN and the child's birth certificate. The personal presence of the parent who gives the Consent for the child to travel abroad is obligatory.





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