Execution time: from 2 hours
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passports and TINs of the parties, Consent of a property owner’s spouse, in case the owner was married when purchasing the property, as well as passport, TIN, marriage certificate or a notarized permit application, executed before, Consent of a buyer’s spouse in case the buyer is currently married, as well as passport, TIN, marriage certificate or a notarized permit application, executed before
Documents for a legal entity representative: Legal entity documents (articles of association, extract), Director’s (company authorized representative’s) passport and TIN and documents confirming the director’s authority (order of the director’s appointment, minutes of election of the director), notarized power of attorney, if the authorized person is acting., Seal, Legal entity’s decision to conclude a tenancy agreement (minutes of general meeting)
Required documents: Proof of ownership of the vehicle (vehicle registration certificate), Appraisal of a transport vehicle/inventory value certificate, Vehicle deregistration certificate
Please note:

Sale and purchase agreement for the vehicle is certified by a notary at the place of a vehicle registration or at the place of registration of one of the parties.

That is, a notary of the city of Kyiv can certify the agreement if the vehicle is registered in the city of Kyiv or one of the parties to the agreement is registered in the city of Kyiv.

You are hesitating as to the conclusion of a car sale and purchase agreement and think that it is better to formalize a general power of attorney?

Let’s consider all pros and cons. Many people think that notarization of a sale and purchase agreement is an expensive procedure. However, at present, if you sell one car a year, your income is exempted from taxes. Moreover, a duty to the Pension Fund is paid only at the first registration of a car (when you buy a car at a car showroom, not from a previous owner).

Surely, it will be faster and cheaper to issue a general power of attorney than to execute a sale and purchase agreement. But if you decide so, you should remember the following: With a power of attorney, a title to a car is not transferred to you, as an attorney. You cannot register this car at your name, whereas you act in the interests of the owner. A principal, in turn, may unilaterally cancel his/her power of attorney. However, with a car sale and purchase agreement, you become a rightful owner. 

Notarization of the agreement guarantees the legitimacy of the document, that everything is executed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Prior to notarization, all documents, the absence of encumbrances (freeze or prohibition) on a car are verified, terms and conditions of an agreement are explained to the parties.

At present, there is no need to obligatorily strike off the register a car prior to notarization of an agreement. However, this may be an advantage for the buyer, because the existence of fines and tickets related to such car is checked prior to striking off the register. If a car is not stricken off the register prior to conclusion of an agreement, its striking off the register within 10 days is the next step after notarization of an agreement.


How to execute the Vehicle Sale and Purchase Agreement?

There are two ways to purchase and sell a car: through the Ministry of Internal Affairs service centre or by contacting a notary.

Where can I draw up the Vehicle Sale and Purchase Agreement?

To draw up a Vehicle Sale and Purchase Agreement, you can turn to either the Ministry of Internal Affairs service centre or to a notary.

What amount of money should I specify in the Vehicle Sale and Purchase Agreement?

It is important to specify the real value when purchasing and selling a car, because in case of any disputes, the cost of the car shall be reimbursed under the contract.





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