Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN, Details of the power of attorney to be revoked (copy/photo)
Documents for a legal entity representative: Protocol and order, (or other credentials of a signatory), Articles of association, extract and seal, Passport and TIN of a signatory, Details of the power of attorney to be revoked (copy/photo)
Please note:

If there is no details on the power of attorney to be revoked, an extract from the powers of attorney register should be additionally taken to search for it, which is an additional service.

Sometimes, because of discrepancies with the attorney or because the power of attorney itself has become irrelevant, you need to cancel it.

Cancellation of a power of attorney is formalised in the form of a statement and the notary certifies the authenticity of your signature on it. To cancel a power of attorney, you can use the services of any notary, not necessarily of the notary who certified the power of attorney.

To cancel a power of attorney, you should provide the notary with its data (the number of the notarial form, on which the power of attorney was executed, the date of its certification, its number in the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney or in the notary’s register). If you do not have this information, do not be upset, because the power of attorney can be found in the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney by your passport data and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (used to be known as the individual tax number).

Based on your statement, the notary will enter the respective data on the cancellation of the power of attorney in the electronic register of powers of attorney.

You must immediately inform the attorney and third parties for whom, as you know, the power of attorney was issued about the cancellation of a power of attorney. The laws do not prescribe a method for informing, but we recommend that you send a registered letter with return receipt requested, which will be a written confirmation that you have performed your obligation. You can assign the notary to do it.

It should be noted that all actions performed by the attorney before the moment when he/she becomes aware of the cancellation of the power of attorney by the principal shall have legal force for the principal. It means that the cancellation of a power of attorney becomes effective for the attorney and third parties at the moment when they become aware of this cancellation.


What should a notary do to revoke a Power of Attorney?

The notary accepts an application for revocation of the Power of Attorney from the principal and makes changes to the corresponding register. After that, the principal should notify his/her attorney about the revocation of the Power of Attorney.

What does the revocation of a Power of Attorney affect?

The revocation of a Power of Attorney voids the Power of Attorney itself. However, actions taken before the revocation of the Power of Attorney are considered legal.





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