Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Documents for a legal entity representative: Protocol and order, (or other credentials of a signatory), Articles of association, extract and seal, Passport and TIN of a signatory
Please note:

An attorney (the one to whom the power of attorney is drawn up) does not have to be present!

Only his data is required: full name, registration address, TIN, date of birth, passport details (if necessary).

The execution of a power of attorney is one of the most popular notarial deeds, which usually creates no problems. Many of us, though having no legal education, have a clear understanding what the execution of a notarised power of attorney means and are aware of the rules of its issuance.

Let us examine the principles of the execution of a power of attorney once again:
  1. In summary, a power of attorney is an instrument under which one person authorises another person to perform certain actions specified in the power of attorney, to represent interests before any third parties.
  2. To issue a power of attorney, a person that issues the power of attorney must be present in person; he/she must present his/her passport and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (used to be known as the individual tax number).

    It should be reminded that your attorney need not necessarily be present in person; it is sufficient for you to know his/her surname, name, patronymic and place of residence.

  3. You may appoint several attorneys in a power of attorney, who will act independently of each other.
  4. After the execution of a power of attorney, its data must be entered in the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney (an electronic base of all powers of attorney issued in Ukraine).

    Some organisations, institutions, banks require that an excerpt from this Register be submitted together with the notarised power of attorney as a confirmation that the power of attorney is registered. We recommend that you receive it from your notary when executing the power of attorney.

  5. A power of attorney executed on behalf of a legal entity must be signed by its general manager. For this purpose, he/she must present his/her passport, documents confirming his/her powers and documents related to the legal entity.

    A power of attorney executed on behalf of a legal entity must contain an impression of the entity’s seal.

  6. The procedure for revocation/cancellation of an issued power of attorney is one of the most frequently asked questions. This procedure is very simple. You should apply to any notary, not necessarily to the notary that executed the power of attorney, and tell him/her about your intention to cancel the power of attorney. Based on your data, the notary will find this power of attorney in the electronic base and compile, on your behalf, a statement of cancellation of the power of attorney. You will only need to inform the attorney and possible third parties for whom the power of attorney was issued about the fact that it has been cancelled.

Different types of powers of attorney may have their own nuances; for example, in a power of attorney for a donation of an apartment or a house, you must specify the surname, name and patronymic of the donee.

You only need to identify the scope of powers which you will grant to the attorney.


What papers do I need to get an empowerment?

Individuals must provide the notary with their passports and TINs. It is obligatory to have the principal’s original documents. Legal entities provide the minutes of the founding meeting and order (documents confirming the signatory’s powers), articles of incorporation, extract and seal, passport and TIN of the signatory party.

What do I need to get an empowerment?

To draw up a power of attorney, the principal should come to the notary’s office with his/her passport and TIN, being aware of the attorney’s data. The principal should indicate the powers to be given to the attorney. The principal’s presence is required.

What do I need to get a general power of attorney?

The general power of attorney provides for a wider range of powers, therefore, it is necessary to think in advance what actions will be entrusted to your attorney. All transferred powers should be indicated in the power of attorney. The principal should submit a passport and TIN, as well as the attorney’s data.





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