Per se, a certificate of inheritance is one of those important documents that confirm your title to property. It may refer to an apartment, house, land, or car, accounts, shares, etc.
This document is issued by a notary and confirms that a person came into a property after a testator’s death.
If a person fails to obtain the respective certificate of inheritance from a notary, such person may actually use such property, without any right to dispose it. You will not be able to sell an apartment, withdraw money from the account, or present a car, because to do so you must first receive a certificate of inheritance for such property exclusively.
An heir may receive this certificate only in case the legally prescribed term is not missed, and an inheritance case has been opened by a notary within 6 months after the death of a testator, which is stipulated by the legislation.
Therefore, the procedure of receiving such a certificate comprises two steps: the first step lies in opening of an inheritance case, and the second step is receiving a certificate of inheritance itself.
The number of certificates of inheritance depends on the amount of property of a testator and the number of heirs. For example, if a testator leaves his/her apartment as an inheritance, and there are 5 heirs who came into inheritance, each of them will receive a certificate of inheritance to 1/5 part of apartment; the same procedure applies to any other property.
There are two types of certificates of inheritance
There are two types of certificates of inheritance, namely: certificate of inheritance by will and testament and certificate of inheritance by law. The type of a certificate has no impact on the right to use and dispose the property.
Similar to any other document that you receive from a notary, you need to collect a certain set of documents. This issue is rather important because each and every inheritance case is diligent, with its own peculiarities and complications. Therefore, we strongly recommend to apply to a notary for a qualified and qualitative piece of advice as to the list of documents required to receive a certificate of inheritance.
We do also recommend to complete the whole process of formalisation of inheritance and receive a certificate of inheritance, do not place it on a shelf. We are looking forward to your visiting our notarial office in case you need any assistance in this matter.