A power of attorney for registration of a legal entity is one of the most popular powers of attorney issued by legal entities. In fact, a legal entity is not incorporated yet, and such a power of attorney is issued and signed on behalf of its founders.
Registration of a legal entity by a state registrar is one of the first stages of its incorporation. As a rule, founders of a legal entity do not prefer dealing with its registration by themselves, as it can take a lot of time and efforts; therefore, they usually delegate their powers to an attorney.
Please note that a power of attorney for registration of a legal entity may not only include powers related to arrangement of registration of a legal entity by a state registrar, but also powers associated with registration of the entity with various institutions and public authorities (with the Fund of Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents, the Employment Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, as well as tax authorities), production of seals and stamps.
We recommend that you, being the principal under a power of attorney, should also notarise a couple of its copies, which your attorney will certainly need to exercise his/her powers. You should keep one copy of the power of attorney, because in case you need to cancel the power of attorney, it will be easier for the notary to find it in the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney and enter a record confirming its cancellation.
A power of attorney for registration of a legal entity must identify the organisational legal form of a legal entity and its name, contain information about the attorney (full name, his/her place of residence; his/her passport datails and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (used to be known as the individual tax number) may be additionally indicated). Therefore, to notarise a power of attorney, you should provide the notary with this information.
Under a power of attorney, you may delegate powers to one or several persons, who will act independently of each other.