Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Documents for a legal entity representative: Protocol and order, (or other credentials of a signatory), Articles of association, extract and seal, Passport and TIN of a signatory
Please note:

An attorney (the one to whom the power of attorney is drawn up) does not have to be present! Only his data is required: full name, registration address, TIN, date of birth, passport details (if necessary).

What to do if there is no way to personally receive documents or there is no opportunity to take time off from work on a weekday to visit governmental or banking institutions? A power of attorney for receipt of documents issued to another person will be of help to you. An attorney can receive the documents instead of you. 

A power of attorney for documents should indicate a specific document to be received by your attorney and an authority to be applied to.

A power of attorney for receipt of documents states the information on an attorney (full name and registered place of residence; passport details of an attorney and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (formerly called individual taxpayer number) may be additionally indicated); therefore, to notarise a power of attorney for receipt of documents, you need to provide a notary with such information.

We recommend to notarise several copies of a power of attorney right after its original notarisation because an attorney may require them to exercise his/her powers. One copy of the power of attorney you must keep for yourself, whereas if you want to cancel this power of attorney, it would be easier for a notary to find it in the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney and make a record on cancellation.

According to a power of attorney, you may transfer your powers either to one or several persons who will act individually and independently of each other.

It is important to define in advance the scope of powers that you are going to transfer to your attorney under a power of attorney for documents.


How to draw up the Power of Attorney to receive a document?

The Power of Attorney is drawn up by a notary. The document to be obtained and the authority to which the attorney must apply should be indicated in the Power of Attorney.

What papers do I need to draw up the Power of Attorney to receive a document?

To draw up the Power of Attorney to receive a document, your passport and TIN are required. For legal entities, you must have the minutes of the founding meeting, order, articles of incorporation, extract and seal. It is enough for the attorney to provide a copy or photo of his/her passport and TIN. The principal must present the original sources of the documents.





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