Some people apply to notary's office with a request to formalise a power of attorney for signing authority. What is exactly meant by a power of attorney for signing authority in such case? Most probably that when you apply to a notary with such request, you need to transfer your authorities to sign various documents (signing agreements, invoices, accounting documents, various statements, etc.).
Usually, the purpose of such power of attorney lies not in signing of specific power of attorney for signing of agreements, but those consequences after such signing, for example, transfer of an ownership right (when signing a sale and purchase agreement), receipt of a certificate of inheritance (when signing a statement on such certificate issue), registration/re-registration of a legal entity (when signing respective statements), etc.
It should be mentioned that the text of a power of attorney should include the list of documents an attorney is authorized to sign.
A power of attorney includes information on an attorney (full name and registered place of residence; passport details of an attorney and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (formerly called individual taxpayer number) may be additionally indicated). Therefore, to notarise a power of attorney, you need to provide a notary with the information stated above.
According to a power of attorney, you may transfer your powers either to one representative or to several persons who will act individually, independently of each other.