Execution time: from 30 minutes
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Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Please note:

You should know

  • The data of a person you plan to invite: copy/photo of a page of a foreign passport with which the border will be crossed
  • Residential/registration address of a foreigner abroad
  • Purpose of travel
  • Period of travel
  • Number of travels (single/multiple)
  • If a foreigner will be staying at a hotel in Ukraine, the hotel name and its address are required.

Friendly communication, contacts with relatives, business relations erase the boundaries between countries and cultures. People increasingly visit other countries for tourism, immigrate, and seek new contacts. If you receive guests from abroad, you may need an invitation of foreigners to visit Ukraine. This document is presented when applying for a visa or when crossing border control.

An invitation of a foreign citizen to visit Ukraine: major points

An individual or a legal entity can invite another person to visit our country. In this context, we consider a concept of a private invitation. In this case, a document is drawn up on behalf of a person permanently residing in Ukraine.

An invitation to Ukraine for a foreigner is an invitation from the host party, which invites a foreigner on a private visit to our country for a certain period. According to this paper, a person assumes obligations for the financial support of a visitor and is responsible for the guest.

What is the invitation for?

  1. for a private or guest visa;
  2. for crossing border control;
  3. for confirming the purpose of stay.

Even citizens of those countries with which we do not have a visa regime, border guards can request additional confirmation of the purpose of their visit. Among them: hotel vouchers, package tours, bank statements and an invitation to Ukraine for a foreigner.

Such paper is necessary only for foreigners with citizenship of another country. An invitation can be drawn up by either a citizen of Ukraine or a person with a permanent or temporary residence permit in our country. In this case, this is a private invitation. Legal entities can also invite a foreigner to Ukraine, but this procedure is drawn up in a different manner.

Where can I prepare an invitation to Ukraine for a foreigner?

An official document is drawn up by a notary public. The host party, a private person, draws up an invitation inviting a foreigner with a guest visit to Ukraine. This document is checked and certified by a notary. The notary verifies the provided data, confirms the authenticity of the signature and the documents submitted.

The seal and signature of a notary makes the invitation an official document. The invitation is compiled in Ukrainian. Responsibility for the specified data, for the invitation of a foreign citizen lies entirely with the host party. In case of deportation of a person, the financial expenses are paid by the receiving party.

An invitation for a foreign citizen to visit Ukraine can be issued both at a public and private notary.

An invitation of a foreigner to visit Ukraine: documents

The document is drawn up as an invitation. It indicates the data to identify the host party, as well as the invited guest. Be sure to indicate the purpose of a visit: vacation, visiting relatives, guests, participation in festivals. The invitation also indicates the address at which the foreigner will reside during the visit. This can be a hotel where a room have been booked, or a place of residence of an inviting citizen of Ukraine.

In the text of an invitation, the receiving party may undertake to provide the guest with financial support for the entire period of his/her stay. This refers to the accommodation costs, food, travel, medical expenses and other needs. The responsibility for all these lies with the drafter of the invitation.

Provide the notary with information about a foreign citizen: full name, date of birth, passport details and residential address. This information is included in the invitation. Period of stay, date of entry and departure are also indicated. This information is required for both visa and border crossing.

Drawing up an invitation of foreigners to visit Ukraine: what else should I know??

An invitation for a foreigner to visit Ukraine is prepared only in Ukraine. After official certification, the paper is mailed to a foreigner. Then the guest submits documents for a visa or takes an invitation with him/her, and while crossing the border provides it to the border control services. An invitation is sent via international mail.

For ordinary execution, certificates confirming the financial security from the host party are not necessary. The notary does not require such certificates. In the case of applying for a visa, this issue is resolved with the consulate. At the same time, the border control service has the right to request the documents from the foreign guest confirming the availability of the necessary amount to stay in the country.

People mostly invite relatives who are foreign nationals. It is important that those with the invitation come only for private purposes, and not for work or commerce. A private visit means an invitation to visit, a trip to relatives, tourist purposes.

For the trip to be a success and not have any problems when applying for a visa or crossing the border, we recommend that you think about all the documents in advance and take care of preparing the missing certificates. An invitation will facilitate and simplify the visit to the country, because consulates and border control service are positive about invitations issued by a notary. The document does not give a 100 per cent right to enter, but increases the chances of visiting our country.


How can I make an invitation for a foreign citizen?

The receiving party draws up an invitation letter at a notary’s. The receiving party bears full responsibility for the foreign citizen during his/her stay on the territory of Ukraine.

What documents do I need to invite a foreign citizen?

When drawing up an invitation, you should provide a passport and TIN of the person who is the receiving party, and indicate the personal data of the foreigner. For this, you need a copy or a photo of the foreigner's passport and his/her residential address in another country.

In what cases do I need to make an invitation to Ukraine for a foreigner?

You will have to make an invitation for a foreigner in the following cases: obtaining a visa, crossing the border, confirming the purpose of stay. The border services of Ukraine have the right to request a foreign person’s documents confirming the purpose of the trip. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare an invitation in advance.





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