Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Please note:

To make an application, you should know a deceased person’s full name, date of birth, date of death, last place of his/her residence (if possible, it is better to have a copy/photo of a death certificate)

Many of us still contemplate: “How to claim an inheritance?” Firstly, you need to submit a statement on acceptance of an inheritance within the period stipulated by the legislation. To this end, you apply to the notary of your choice (either public or private).

It should be mentioned that such statement is to be submitted by the heir personally or by mail to the address of the notarial office, however, in the latter case his/her signature must be notarized. There are no legislative provisions allowing for submission of statement of acceptance of the inheritance by heir’s representative, not personally.

The legislation strictly defined the period for submission of such statement, which is 6 (six) months from the date of death of testator. Please note that all statements submitted after the expiration of this period shall not be accepted by the notary. If the period has expired, you need to define the other additional period for acceptance of inheritance in judicial procedures.

To open a probate, the abovementioned statement of acceptance of the inheritance must be submitted to the notary with the same place of operation as the last place of residence of the deceased (e.g. the deceased permanently lived in Kyiv, you must submit a statement to any notary of Kyiv to open a probate).

However, your statement on acceptance of inheritance may be executed by any notary regardless of the place of permanent residence of deceased. When executed, such statement is submitted (personally, by courier, or by mail) to the notary, who will open the probate.

Please note that the notary who opens a probate will subsequently issue the certificate of inheritance rights; you are not allowed to change the notary or transfer your case to another notary.

When applying to the notary as regards to execution of the statement on acceptance of inheritance, you must provide the following documents:
  1. Your passport and registration number of the taxpayer identification card (formerly known as individual taxpayer number);
  2. Certificate of death of the testator;
  3. Documents that confirm your relationship with the deceased: certificate of birth, certificate of marriage (which may be required if you have changed your surname);
  4. The will (if available);
  5. Certificate issued by the House Maintenance Office and other organization, household register that confirms the permanent place of residence of the deceased.





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