Execution time: from 30 minutes
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Passport, TIN
Documents for a legal entity representative: Protocol and order, (or other credentials of a signatory), Articles of association, extract and seal, Passport and TIN of a signatory
Please note:

An attorney (the one to whom the power of attorney is drawn up) does not have to be present! Only his data is required: full name, registration address, TIN, date of birth, passport details (if necessary).

Besides, it is necessary to indicate the exact address of a property to be sold in the text of the power of attorney.

A general power of attorney for an apartment is a legal method of transferring rights and powers for disposal of such real estate. Any apartment or house owner may formalise a general or single-time power of attorney for other natural persons or legal entities. A specific package of documents and notarisation are required for making this deal legal. 

Power of attorney for an apartment: document types

There are several types of powers of attorney for real estate that differ by their duration and powers being transferred to a third person, namely:

  • General power of attorney: transfer of full scope of rights to dispose of a property from the owner to the attorney. With a general power of attorney, an attorney may implement any deals with real estate (except for a deed of gift and inheritance).
  • Power of attorney for a sale of apartment
  • Power of attorney for privatization
  • Single-time power of attorney (transfer of minor powers, such as registration at an apartment).

The following documents shall be provided for a notary to notarise the procedure of transfer of rights to an apartment:

  • Passport (for an adult principal); certificate of birth and consent of fiduciary authority (for a minor).
  • Taxpayer identification number.
  • Document that confirms the title to an apartment.

In the process of formalisation of a power of attorney for a sale of real estate, both parties must state their full names, places of residence, rights to the real estate of an attorney, location of the subject (address of an apartment), place of a deal. The duration of a power of attorney must be indicated as well, instructions on the money made by an attorney and scope of his/her rights. You can ask questions to the notary to dispel all doubts and to do everything in accordance with the law.

It takes up to half an hour to formalise a general power of attorney for an apartment (house).


What is the Power of Attorney for an apartment necessary for?

This is the legal way to transfer the rights and powers to dispose of the real property. The agent acts in the best interests of the owner. It is worth remembering that a Power of Attorney for an apartment does not give you the ownership right. The lists of powers may be completely different depending on the principal’s desire. On behalf of the principal, an attorney can lease, sell the housing, draw up various documents, and apply to government agencies.

What documents are required for a Power of Attorney to sell an apartment?

To draw up the Power of Attorney to sell an apartment, it is necessary to provide the notary with the following documents: your passport, TIN and a document confirming your real estate title. Only the presence of the principal (the apartment owner) is important.

How to confirm authenticity of the Power of Attorney to sell an apartment?

For confirming the notarial documents’ authenticity, there is a service called the Unified Register of Special Forms of Notarial Documents, which is available on the website of the State Enterprise “National Information Systems”. However, there will be no information contained in the text of the Power of Attorney. To find it out, you should contact the same notary who issued the Power of Attorney. In this case, the presence of the principal at the notary’s office is obligatory.

How to draw up the Power of Attorney to sell an apartment?

In Kyiv, the Power of Attorney for an apartment is issued by a notary in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation. Provide the necessary documents: passport, TIN of the owner and the real estate title. In the Power of Attorney, define the scope of powers granted to the attorney.





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